The Government delegate in Euskadi and the Diputado Foral of Environment and Hydraulic Works of Gipuzkoa visit our factory to know first hand the challenges we face in this new stage

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The Government delegate in Euskadi, Denis Itxaso, and the Diputado Foral of Environment and Hydraulic Works of Gipuzkoa, José Ignacio Asensio, visited this Thursday morning, altogether with other local authorities, our factory. Miguel Sánchez, our CEO and President, has joined them.

This visit has taken place after the kick-off of our ambitious investment plan for 2021 that will focus on paper products for packaging, although it will not renounce what has been our main business product, the newsprint. Papresa will continue being the leading provider for Southern Europe. Also, this plan includes the conversion of our PM5 paper machine, a new OCC line for paste preparation and the construction of a new plant with anaerobic technology for water treatment. This new plant will be integrated inside our factory, and it will generate biogas to be used by our boilers that produce steam used in our paper production. An important opt for the environment and circular economy.

The Government delegate, who wanted to know first hand the company’s challenges, has highlighted that “companies and its production model needs to incorporate clean technologies that contribute to higher energetic efficiency. The paper sector and its transformation are key in the environmental sustainability objectives this Government has set. In Papresa’s case, with a long tradition in Errentería and responsible for 222 employees, it will have a special multiplying effect of its position on the market, as well as social benefits”.

For his part, the Diputado Foral noted: “the future of Gipuzkoa depends on its industrial conversion towards the bioindustry, including circularity in its value chain and opt for an energetic transition of its production. Papresa is a clear leader towards a sustainable growth model”.

Miguel Sánchez has underlined the fact that “Papresa is part of the history and social structure of Errentería and, with this new chapter, we want to develop and improve our company to suit it to the evolution of the demand and the markets. As always, in our more than 125 years, we have never stopped keeping strong social roots and a great compromise with our surrounding environment”.